Friday, August 31, 2007

Strange Fairy Tales 5: "Jack the Giantoodle Killer"

This is the fifth episode of the podcast Strange Fairy Tales.

The cast of characters includes:

  • A practical joker!
  • A baseball coach with a wicked fastball!
  • A little kid with awesome reflexes!
  • An alien chieftain! (Something like that)
  • A vegetarian fairy godmother dressed in green leaves!
  • A cow!?
  • And MORE!

And yet again, we have more set-up for further nonsense!

The set-up for further nonsense includes:

  • The long awaited discovery of a certain SFT person's heritage!

So come on down. See where they got off to after the fourth episode! See Fred get in a fight! See someone go crazy! All in your imagination of course. This is an audio-only podcast.

To listen to the podcast, click the play button below, or click this link. It may take a while to load either way.

To subscribe to the podcast, open iTunes, go to Advanced, Subscribe to Podcast and paste in the following URL:

Also, the podcast is on iTunes, so just search for Strange Fairy Tales, and you should find it!

If you want to make your own podcast, I advise this site here. It is very helpful, and contains video tutorials on how to go about making your podcast. The only downside is that it was made in 2005, and there are some small changes to the websites listed.